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Dr Weijie Ring

Dr Weijie Ring is a literary translator with a PhD in German literature from University of Erlangen, Germany. She is currently working as a researcher of German cultural history at Zhejiang University/China. Her research interests include dance and music in literature, prosody in phonetics. Her doctoral thesis on “dance in literature” was published by De Gruyter in 2021. She is also a cooperated translator for the Frankfurt Fair in Beijing. Since 2021, she has been translating blurbs of new literary publications and book trade news on a monthly basis. Weijie is born in China, living in Berlin and Hangzhou/China.

Previous works

Rothballer Michael: Das Geheimnis der Dracheninsel. Loewe 2007. 
Bellinda: Der gestohlene Geigenkasten. Loewe 2018. 
Annette Neubauer: Im Bann der Alchemie. Loewe 2018. 

Dr Weijie Ring

Dr Weijie Ring is a literary translator with a PhD in German literature from University of Erlangen, Germany. She is currently working as a researcher of German cultural history at Zhejiang University/China. Her research interests include dance and music in literature, prosody in phonetics. Her doctoral thesis on “dance in literature” was published by De Gruyter in 2021. She is also a cooperated translator for the Frankfurt Fair in Beijing. Since 2021, she has been translating blurbs of new literary publications and book trade news on a monthly basis. Weijie is born in China, living in Berlin and Hangzhou/China.

Previous works

Rothballer Michael: Das Geheimnis der Dracheninsel. Loewe 2007. 
Bellinda: Der gestohlene Geigenkasten. Loewe 2018. 
Annette Neubauer: Im Bann der Alchemie. Loewe 2018.