Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
by : Simone Böcker
Aufbau Verlage
About the book
English title: Rewilding
Subtitle: The Search for Balance between Humankind and Nature
Non-Fiction. 237 pp.
ISBN: 978-3-351-04183-0
Aufbau. Hardcover
2023, April
Brave the wilderness – for a completely new relationship with nature
Rewilding is the answer to the climate crisis. It means relinquishing control and leaving nature to its own devices. As a result, intact ecosystems are created that not only provide new habitats for animals and plants, but also ensure clean air, clean water and fertile soils. These absorb carbon dioxide and protect against floods and other climate extremes.
Simone Böcker communicates a positive message: not only can species extinction be stopped, it can be reversed! In addition, she shows how we can play our part, be it in our own garden or by creating wildflower meadows in our communities. A book that makes you want to brave the wilderness – and one that encourages a mindful relationship with nature, as cultivated by indigenous cultures.
About the author
Simone Böcker is a journalist and expert on nutrition and nature topics. She is particularly interested in wild herbs, which have taught her respect and gratitude for nature. She lives in Berlin.
For further information please feel free to contact
Inka Ihmels
Foreign Rights
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