Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.
by : Jens Balzer
Matthes & Seitz Berlin
About the book
English title: Ethics of Appropriation
Publication year: 2022
Pges: 87
ISBN: 978-3-7518-0535-3
The talk of cultural appropriation is omnipresent. It calls into question, especially for a progressive political position, the legitimacy of cultural production that makes use of the stocks of other, "foreign" traditions. While many criticise this as a form of theft from marginalised groups, others reject the accusation: it expresses a notion of identity that has points of contact with the völkisch right. In fact, as Jens Balzer shows, all culture is based on appropriation. The question is therefore not whether appropriation is justified, but how to appropriate properly. Drawing on the emergence of hip hop and the astonishing popularity of the desire to be "Indian" in post-war Germany, Balzer sketches out an ethics of appropriation. In it, he opposes a bad appropriation, because it naturalises and determines, with a good appropriation that consciously employs its own madeness. Based on the thinking of the Creole Édouard Glissant and Paul Gilroy's "Black Atlantic" as well as Judith Butler's Queer Theory, such an ethics of appropriation also becomes the basis of an enlightened relationship to one's own identity.
About the author
Jens Balzer, born in 1969, lives in Berlin and is a feature writer for DIE ZEIT.
For further information please feel free to contact:
Loan Nguyen
Deputy Managing Director | Head of Rights & Licenses
Matthes & Seitz Berlin
E-mail: [email protected]