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Books for children and Young Adults in German

Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.

Books for children and Young Adults in German

Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.

Books for children and Young Adults in German

Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.

Books for children and Young Adults in German

Curtain up for book titles ready for promising translations! Our pitching sessions aim at connecting key partners of translation projects: Publishers in the region Asia-Pacific and in German speaking countries as well as translators. Just browse through book titles that have been pitched in one of our sessions – and find a match for your publishing program. We are happy to provide you with more details and to connect you.

Book cover

Woodwalkers Series

by : Katja Brandis

2016 -

Arena Verlag


About the Series:
Trendy topic in a novel dress: Katja Brandis sets new accents in animal fantasy. Enthralling and with a great sense of humour, the successful author writes about the breathtaking adventures of being an animal as well as a human being. The stories about the young shape shifter Carag not only thrill the fans of this popular genre; they also invite the reader into a spectacular world – the world of the Woodwalkers.

Leipzig Reading Compass 2017 for the age group 10-14 years. The jury: "Fast-paced, exciting and funny - with numerous connecting points to the everyday life of the target group!"

About the Author:
Katja Brandis, born in 1970, studied American Studies, English Studies and German Studies. She went on to work as a journalist. She has been writing since her childhood and has published numerous novels for young readers. She lives near Munich with her husband, their son and three cats. 

About the Illustrator:
As a child, Claudia Carls kept announcing that when she grew up, she wanted to be either a writer or an artist, alternating between these two professions until she could solve this conflict by deciding to study book illustration. After her graduation she realized this plan at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, specializing in illustrating and communication design. A certified designer, she lives and works in Hamburg, illustrating picture books, children’s and teen books, non-fiction books and posters.

For further information please feel free to contact:
Bianca Kuchenbrod:
E-Mail: [email protected] 
E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: 0049-931-79644-81

Website Arena Verlag: www.arena-verlag.de