Sulagna Mukhopadhyay lives in Kolkata, India. As a student of Comparative Literature at Jadavpur University she has always taken interest in translations. Her special interest lies in Gender Studies. She has written various articles on the reunification of Germany and its projection in the literary pieces of Christa Wolf and others, and they have been published in the English and Bengali journals of Kolkata. She had first translated two poems of Kathrin Schmidt for a renowned Bengali newspaper during the Festival of Germany in India. Kathrin Schmidt’s book of poems Flußbild mit Engel (Nodi o Debdut) was translated by Sulagna Mukhopadhyay and has been published by Jadavpur University Press in 2020 during the Kolkata International Book Fair. In 2022, Rritobak, a Bengali publication house published Isabel Fargo Cole’s first novel Die Grűne Grenze (Sobuj Simana), funded by Goethe-Institut, Germany and Markus Kirchhofer’s Der Stachel (Kanta), funded by Pro Helvetia, India. Currently she is working on Christa Wolf’s Der geteilte Himmel (Dwikhondito Akash) and Melinda Nadj Abonji’s Tauben fliegen auf (Payrader Ural). Both the novels will be published by Jadavpur University Press.
Sulagna Mukhopadhyay lives in Kolkata, India. As a student of Comparative Literature at Jadavpur University she has always taken interest in translations. Her special interest lies in Gender Studies. She has written various articles on the reunification of Germany and its projection in the literary pieces of Christa Wolf and others, and they have been published in the English and Bengali journals of Kolkata. She had first translated two poems of Kathrin Schmidt for a renowned Bengali newspaper during the Festival of Germany in India. Kathrin Schmidt’s book of poems Flußbild mit Engel (Nodi o Debdut) was translated by Sulagna Mukhopadhyay and has been published by Jadavpur University Press in 2020 during the Kolkata International Book Fair. In 2022, Rritobak, a Bengali publication house published Isabel Fargo Cole’s first novel Die Grűne Grenze (Sobuj Simana), funded by Goethe-Institut, Germany and Markus Kirchhofer’s Der Stachel (Kanta), funded by Pro Helvetia, India. Currently she is working on Christa Wolf’s Der geteilte Himmel (Dwikhondito Akash) and Melinda Nadj Abonji’s Tauben fliegen auf (Payrader Ural). Both the novels will be published by Jadavpur University Press.