Thorsten Dönges, born in Gießen, studied Literature and History in Bamberg. In the 1997/98 school year, he taught as an assistant de langue at the Lycée Thibaut de Champagne in Provins, France. Since 2003, he has worked at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (LCB), where he is in charge of curating the area of German-language contemporary literature. Besides he heads the renowned Autor*innenwerkstatt Prosa (Writers' Workshop Prose) and, as an editor, helps shape the LCB's in-house magazine Sprache im Technischen Zeitalter.
For many years, he has moderated programs of the Internationales Literaturfestival Leukerbad, Switzerland, the Europäisches Festival des Debütromans in Kiel and the international literaturfestival berlin (ilb). He helt teaching assignment at the University of Bamberg and the FU Berlin, and he regularly gives lectures at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg.
Thorsten Dönges, born in Gießen, studied Literature and History in Bamberg. In the 1997/98 school year, he taught as an assistant de langue at the Lycée Thibaut de Champagne in Provins, France. Since 2003, he has worked at the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (LCB), where he is in charge of curating the area of German-language contemporary literature. Besides he heads the renowned Autor*innenwerkstatt Prosa (Writers' Workshop Prose) and, as an editor, helps shape the LCB's in-house magazine Sprache im Technischen Zeitalter.
For many years, he has moderated programs of the Internationales Literaturfestival Leukerbad, Switzerland, the Europäisches Festival des Debütromans in Kiel and the international literaturfestival berlin (ilb). He helt teaching assignment at the University of Bamberg and the FU Berlin, and he regularly gives lectures at the Filmuniversität Babelsberg.